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Two men sentenced for stealing ATM in Padasjoki

Friday 20th 2024 on 13:19 in  

Two men have received prison sentences for stealing an ATM in Padasjoki in January 2024. Initially, the men stole a wheel loader and a trailer. They used the wheel loader to break through the wall of a commercial building, detach the cash machine, and take it away. According to the charges, the value of the ATM was €13,467, and it contained €74,540 in cash.

Both individuals were convicted of aggravated theft, motor vehicle theft, and unauthorized use of a vehicle. The court also found that a 38-year-old man was guilty of drug use violations, while the 22-year-old was charged with drug offenses. The younger man received a two-year prison sentence, while the older man was sentenced to eight months in prison. His previous ruling from a different court was taken into consideration, resulting in a reduced sentence. Additionally, they have been ordered to pay damages.

Although the two men share the same surname, any potential familial relationship is not indicated in the court documents. The district court’s ruling is not yet final, as an appeal can be lodged with the Court of Appeal.

Furthermore, both men are also facing criminal charges in the East Uusimaa District Court for the aggravated robbery of ATMs in Mäntsälä and Kärkölä.

(via yle.fi)