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Concrete structure identified as emergency exit route for civil defense shelter in Hakaniemi, Helsinki

Friday 20th 2024 on 12:54 in  

The mystery surrounding a concrete structure discovered underground in Hakaniemi, Helsinki has been resolved. Dubbed the “mystery lump,” the concrete formation was identified as an emergency exit route for a nearby building’s civil defense shelter.

The structure was unearthed at the Kruunusillat construction site on Wednesday during excavation work, and images of it were shared on social media platforms like Facebook. Kruunusillat expressed appreciation for the history-savvy citizens who provided clues regarding the purpose of the construction.

On Friday morning, Kruunusillat revealed via social media that they had examined the concrete using drilling equipment. During the drilling, it became evident that the structure is hollow. A camera inspection of the drilled hole revealed the presence of a ladder inside. Investigators have also accessed the structure through the basement of the adjacent building.

Questions have arisen about why the emergency exit route for the civil defense shelter is located underground and why it has been blocked off with concrete. According to information from Kruunusillat, the plan is for the structure to allow for a street to be excavated in the event of the building’s collapse. Furthermore, deeper within the concrete shaft’s wall, there is a hatch.

With the mystery of the lump resolved, construction can now proceed. The hole drilled into the concrete will be sealed, and the structure will remain in place.

(via yle.fi)