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Former police officer fined for misconduct in Kokemäki, Southwest Finland

Friday 20th 2024 on 10:49 in  

The Satakunta District Court has sentenced a former police officer, who served as a senior constable in Southwest Finland, to fines for two breaches of duty committed in 2022 while she was stationed in Kokemäki.

The charges against her included illegally accessing police databases for information regarding herself and her partner. She lacked the legal authority to perform these searches due to a conflict of interest. In a separate incident, her vehicle was damaged in Rauma. She improperly registered herself in the police system as a victim and investigator of the case, despite being personally involved and therefore unable to handle the investigation. Furthermore, she used the investigator’s credentials to halt the investigation.

In court, the officer claimed her actions were unintentional mistakes attributed to her lack of experience in the police profession and personal circumstances that impaired her judgment. She stated this was her first position following her police training. The officer is no longer employed by the Southwest Finland Police Department.

The court issued a total fine equivalent to 40 daily penalties, amounting to €1,040 based on her income. The verdict is not yet final, as it can be appealed to the Court of Appeal.

(via yle.fi)