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MV Ruby en route from Norway towards Lithuania amid safety concerns

Friday 20th 2024 on 10:04 in  

The vessel MV Ruby is currently off the coast of Norway, reportedly en route past Denmark and Sweden towards Lithuania. Several regional authorities and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) are closely monitoring the ship. In Kalmar County, coastal municipalities in the area are being briefed during meetings on Friday.

The MV Ruby was loaded at a Russian port in the Kola Peninsula, where it sustained hull damage. However, it is not welcomed at its final destination in Lithuania, according to Danish media citing the Maritime Authority (Søfartsstyrelsen). The Port of Gothenburg is Scandinavia’s largest port but primarily serves as a transit hub for loading and unloading, making it unsuitable for lengthy repairs.

When asked if the vessel had requested to dock in Gothenburg, officials confirmed that there had been no such request.

After the MV Ruby anchored in Tromsø, Norwegian authorities established a 500-meter exclusion zone. An inspection revealed that the damage required repair, but it was deemed “undesirable” for this to occur in populated Tromsø. Subsequently, the MV Ruby was ordered to leave.

The vessel is carrying 20,000 tons of ammonium nitrate, a hazardous chemical linked to the notorious explosion in the port of Beirut, Lebanon, in 2020, though in much smaller quantities.

(via svt.se)