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Jomshof under investigation for incitement after sharing anti-Islam illustrations in Sweden

Friday 20th 2024 on 09:24 in  

Richard Jomshof, a member of the Sweden Democrats (SD), is under investigation for incitement against a group after sharing two anti-Islam illustrations on the platform X. He has subsequently paused his role as chairman of the Justice Committee. The illustrations have sparked considerable debate recently, although the newly appointed Foreign Minister Maria Malmer Stenergard from the Moderate Party stated she has not seen them.

“I haven’t even seen the images, so I can’t comment on them,” she said during an interview. When asked if she considers it important to be informed about the images, she acknowledged their significance but explained, “I have just been so busy; I haven’t kept up, simply put.” Despite this, Malmer Stenergard does not wish to comment further on the case as it is an ongoing legal process. She expressed support for Jomshof’s decision to step back from his position but refrained from speculating on whether he could remain if found guilty.

In contrast, Social Minister Jakob Forssmed from the Christian Democrats reacted differently when questioned about the matter. He described the images as “deeply prejudiced and deplorable,” warning that they could stoke polarization and unfairly characterize Muslims as a significant threat. Forssmed emphasized that the Sweden Democrats have faced criticism in the past for their representatives’ statements and underscored the necessity for them to clearly denounce Islamophobia and anti-Semitism.

(via svt.se)