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Delays continue for new healthcare center in Kuhmo, Finland

Friday 20th 2024 on 08:34 in  

Due to delays in the construction of a new social and healthcare center, clients and employees at Kuhmo’s health center continue to work in inadequate conditions. The current facility is at the end of its lifespan, and because of air quality issues, some staff members are working temporarily in the town hall. The makeshift accommodations consist of two offices and a reception area without running water. During the summer, room temperatures exceeded 30 degrees Celsius, limiting medical procedures to minor tasks and health guidance.

Nurse Päivi Huotari, who has been working in the temporary space for five years, expressed a strong desire for a new health center, stating, “If I won the lottery, I would fund the new health center myself.” About one-fifth of the existing health center has been off-limits for years. The service manager for Kuhmo and Sotkamo in the Kainuu welfare district, Merja Haverinen, described the situation as challenging, with staff experiencing health symptoms unrelated to the decommissioned areas. “Even some patients are showing symptoms. It’s distressing, and I worry greatly about the workers’ health. We need to provide healthy and safe facilities.”

The project for a new social and healthcare center, initially scheduled for completion in summer 2025, has faced setbacks due to a single, overly expensive tender received by the Kainuu welfare area. Plans will need to be reassessed, delaying construction by at least six months.

Nurses Tanja Aittokoski and Pälvi Saastamoinen, who have been anticipating new facilities, highlighted the difficulties faced in their current work environment, with only certain rooms available for use. Meanwhile, residents, like retiree Kyösti Kilponen, emphasize the importance of having accessible services. Community trust in the new center remains mixed, as some still hope for its completion despite existing concerns.

(via yle.fi)