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Extortion case linked to foreign workers at greenhouse in Närpiö under prosecutor’s review

Friday 20th 2024 on 08:19 in  

The case of extortion linked to foreign workers at a greenhouse in Närpiö remains under consideration by prosecutors, with progress not unfolding as planned. The investigation has been ongoing for over two years, focusing on practices regarding threshold payments. Vietnamese individuals already residing in Finland are suspected of soliciting and receiving money from compatriots seeking work in the country.

District Prosecutor Marika Ek-Bäck notes that the case has been overshadowed by more urgent matters. The aim was to advance the prosecution phase this autumn, but according to Ek-Bäck, the timeline is uncertain. “At this stage, I can’t confidently provide a schedule,” she says, citing the changing work situation and the volume of urgent cases.

Currently, there are four cases under consideration related to the Närpiö situation, with a fifth case involving the same individuals but not directly related to extortion. Two of the cases have completed the prosecutorial stage, but no court dates have been set in the Ostrobothnia District Court, pending the finalization of other cases.

The charges faced include severe extortion and health crimes. Ek-Bäck described the case as complex, noting the substantial material involved. Initially, two prosecutors were assigned, but Ek-Bäck is currently the sole prosecutor. It is possible that another prosecutor may join in the future.

The crimes under investigation occurred from 2017 to 2021, with the demanded threshold payments averaging between €10,000 and €15,000. The victims predominantly worked in greenhouse employment. Ek-Bäck acknowledges the fluid nature of the situation, stating, “It’s challenging to keep track.”

(via yle.fi)