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Varkaus joins Iisalmi’s complaint over health care law preparation issues in Finland

Friday 20th 2024 on 08:19 in  

Varkaus will join Iisalmi’s complaint regarding the inadequate preparation of health care laws. Last week, Iisalmi decided to submit a complaint to the Chancellor of Justice over this issue. Varkaus’s mayor, Joonas Hänninen, stated that both cities have long worked to maintain nighttime emergency services.

In North Savo, the nighttime emergency services in Varkaus and Iisalmi are set to cease operations by the end of 2025. Both cities have emphasized the need to retain these services to ensure equal access for residents. Hänninen pointed out that Iisalmi and Varkaus share similar needs and environments, which justifies the continuation of nighttime care.

Iisalmi has previously expressed concerns that the impact assessment of the hospital law proposal is inadequate, particularly regarding equal treatment of residents and the evaluation of fundamental rights. Varkaus shares this view, with Hänninen also highlighting the unequal treatment of various regions. He noted that as part of the social welfare reform, responsibilities for service organization and decision-making were transferred to well-being areas.

Hänninen criticized the inconsistent application of rules, where some regions are prohibited from organizing emergency services while others are allowed to do so. He believes that well-being areas should have the autonomy to make such decisions.

Hänninen indicated that this complaint aims to assess the thoroughness of the government’s legislative work surrounding fundamental services for citizens. The law will also be reviewed by the legislative evaluation council, suggesting a dual scrutiny process as a result of the complaint.

The mayors of both cities anticipate that the complaint will affect legislative efforts and public discourse, as they feel there is a political agenda to centralize and reduce the emergency service network in Finland. They argue that the cessation of these services could have both economic and human impact, potentially leading to increased costs and diminished service availability. The preparation of the complaint is nearing completion and is expected to be submitted to the Chancellor of Justice next week.

(via yle.fi)