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People waiting for personal support services in Iceland face life-threatening delays

Friday 20th 2024 on 00:54 in  

The wait for personal support service (NPA): “People are dying while they wait”

The chairman of the NPA center has reported that municipalities are refusing to place individuals on waiting lists for NPA services or trying to convince them not to apply for assistance. Dozens of people are on the waiting list, but they cannot endure prolonged delays.

Currently, there is no information on how many people in the country are awaiting NPA services. The chairman of the NPA center claims that some individuals are dying while waiting. For instance, the story of Óskar Kemp, shared recently, reflects the experiences of many others in similar situations. After an accident in 2018, his family was assured that he would receive support; however, this did not happen. As a result, Óskar and his family depend on cash benefits to hire personal care assistants when his wife is not home. His wife, Inda Hrönn Björnsdóttir, described the situation as overwhelming at times, relying on the help of compassionate individuals to navigate the challenges.

Currently, 128 NPA agreements are active, with the government covering a quarter of the costs in partnership with local municipalities. However, there are no available statistics on the number of individuals waiting for these services, neither from the Association of Local Authorities in Iceland nor the Ministry of Social Affairs. The latest data, from 2021, indicated 44 people were waiting across six municipalities.

According to the chairman, the number of people on waiting lists does not reflect those truly in need. He noted cases where municipalities have actively prevented individuals from applying for services, either by withholding information or discouraging them. “The sad reality is that people are dying while they wait,” he said, urging immediate action to finalize funding for these essential services.

(via ruv.is)