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Finns increasingly turn to digital newspapers as print readership declines

Thursday 19th 2024 on 23:09 in  

Close to 90% of Finns read newspapers digitally, according to the National Media Research. Digital reading is most common among the 35 to 54 age group, with 95% of individuals in this demographic consuming digital newspaper content. Conversely, those aged 65 and older utilize digital newspaper channels the least; however, four out of five in this age group read digital newspapers either exclusively or alongside their print counterparts. Notably, digital reading among this demographic surpassed print reading last year, with recent findings indicating a continued increase in digital readers.

Approximately two million Finns read newspapers solely in digital format, and more than 70% of respondents report accessing digital content primarily through mobile phones. Meanwhile, about half of the Finnish population still reads print newspapers, but the number has declined by nearly 12% over the past year. Print newspaper readership varies with age—around 30% of individuals under 24 read printed newspapers, while over 70% of the oldest age group engages with them.

A total of 1.8 million Finns read both digital and printed newspapers, leading to an impressive 96% of Finns aged 15 and older consuming newspapers in some form, which amounts to over four million people—an unchanged figure from a year ago. According to the media research, nearly 60% of households subscribe to a paid or printed digital newspaper. The National Media Research is conducted by Kantar, with responses gathered from 23,000 Finns aged 15 and older, encompassing 127 newspapers.

(via yle.fi)