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Concerns grow over personal assistance waiting times in Iceland

Thursday 19th 2024 on 22:59 in  

There are serious concerns regarding the long waiting times for personal assistance services in Iceland. The chairperson of the NPA center has highlighted that some municipalities are denying individuals access to waitlists or are discouraging them from applying altogether. Currently, dozens of people are on the waiting list, but many cannot endure prolonged delays.

Following a 2018 accident, Óskar Kemp’s family was assured he would receive the necessary support, a promise that has not materialized. As a result, Óskar’s family is now relying on personal allowances to hire caregivers when his wife is unavailable. His wife, Inda Hrönn Björnsdóttir, expressed the burden of managing their situation, stating that while some weeks are manageable, others are overwhelming.

There is a lack of data on how many people are currently awaiting personal assistance services. Presently, there are 128 existing NPA agreements, with the state contributing a quarter of the service costs alongside municipalities. However, no updated figures on waiting lists are available, as the latest information dates back to 2021, when 44 individuals were reported waiting across six municipalities.

The administrative challenges appear significant. The Ministry of Social Affairs reported that all applications received in early 2023 have been approved and financed as they were submitted by municipalities. Yet, it seems municipalities are not requesting the necessary funding, contributing to the unacceptable conditions many individuals with disabilities face. The NPA chairperson stressed the urgency of addressing the situation, stating that many people are living in unacceptable circumstances while waiting for essential support.

(via ruv.is)