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Health Minister Margit Stórá confirms refunds for health insurance premiums in Denmark

Thursday 19th 2024 on 17:24 in  
Faroe Islands

The issue surrounding the health insurance premiums will be resolved, and refunds will be issued to those who have paid erroneously. This was confirmed by Margit Stórá, the Minister of Health, during her response to the Parliament regarding the timeline for addressing the matter.

This time, Jacob Vestergaard, a member of the Parliament from the People’s Party, inquired about when offshore sailors could expect reimbursement of their health insurance premiums. He emphasized that as the legal proceedings have now been concluded, the financial implications grow increasingly significant with each passing day.

According to the Tax Authority (Taks), the institution does not have the authority to issue refunds for health insurance premiums until it has been informed of the individuals eligible for reimbursement and the respective periods involved.

In the Parliament this afternoon, Margit Stórá stated that she is preparing a legislative proposal aimed at providing a foundation for resolving this issue.

(via kvf.fo)