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Kenneth Markvardsen calls for accountability in Nyborg Municipality scandal

Thursday 19th 2024 on 17:04 in  

Kenneth Markvardsen from Ullerslev views the scandal in Nyborg Municipality as a matter of negligence, legal violations, and betrayal, emphasizing the need for accountability. He expressed relief that the Danish Appeals Board will thoroughly investigate the complex case from East Funen, stating it is crucial for parents that the highest complaint authority in the country will finally examine the situation.

Markvardsen is a spokesperson for “Betrayed in Nyborg,” a group comprising parents affected by errors and legal issues in the municipality’s specialized social services. A December 2023 independent report by BDO uncovered hundreds of legal violations and a lack of professionalism within Nyborg’s social department, along with a troubling culture among some staff members.

Following this report, the municipality provided four statements to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Housing, which responded by describing the issues as highly concerning regarding the quality of the municipality’s services and processing. The ministry has now transferred the case to the Appeals Board to assess whether a supervisory proceeding should be initiated against Nyborg Municipality.

Legal expert Bente Adolphsen noted the seriousness of the situation, highlighting that the ministry could have chosen to close the case but instead requested further investigation. Depending on the outcome, implications could range from strong criticism to potential criminal charges against either civil servants or politicians.

In Nyborg’s City Council, the scandal has become a contentious political issue, with parties in conflict over accountability. The Social Democrats, SF, and Conservatives have approached the Appeals Board regarding the mayor’s potential negligence in informing the council about the social department’s problems.

Markvardsen hopes the over 500 pages of documents now under review will lead to clarity and closure, urging that both this municipality and others facing similar challenges need increased oversight and more thorough inspections.

(via dr.dk)