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Ukrainian couple purchases home in Tohmajärvi, Finland for a safer life

Thursday 19th 2024 on 14:24 in  

Oleksandr and Alyona Miroshnychenko understand the irony of their situation: a Ukrainian family who fled the war has purchased a house in Tohmajärvi, just six kilometers from the eastern border of Finland. “For us, this is the perfect place to live. That direction doesn’t feel dangerous here,” Oleksandr states, gesturing towards Russia.

The couple initially endured the war at home in Ukraine until they escaped to the U.S. via Europe before finally settling in Finland. They moved to North Karelia a year ago, lured by an invitation from a Ukrainian friend residing in an artist residency in Värtsilä, who described the area as beautiful.

Their year in the artist residency confirmed their friend’s assessments; Tohmajärvi had everything they desired, from daycare and school for their children to workspaces for both Oleksandr, a ceramicist, and Alyona, a textile artist. They began searching for their own home last summer, finalizing the purchase in September.

Ukrainians are increasingly buying property in Finland, with the Defense Ministry issuing 57 purchase permits to Ukrainian citizens from January to June this year. In contrast, only 64 permits were issued to Russian nationals. If the trend continues, Ukrainians could soon become the largest non-EU and non-EEA group of homebuyers in Finland.

The Miroshnychenkos plan to reside in Tohmajärvi for the foreseeable future as Oleksandr works on a community art project featuring sculptures in nearby forests. They opted to buy their home rather than rent, citing low real estate prices due to a lack of local demand.

As for returning to Ukraine, Oleksandr is uncertain. His family home in Chuhuiv, near heavily bombed Kharkiv, remains intact for now, housing other refugees. “The most important thing now is to keep our two daughters safe,” he concludes.

(via yle.fi)