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Faroese lecturer calls for sustainable development discussions ahead of municipal elections

Thursday 19th 2024 on 12:04 in  
Faroe Islands

To prioritize sustainable development in municipalities, it is essential to clarify what we mean by the term ‘sustainability’, according to Ragnheiður Bogadóttir, a lecturer in social sciences at the University of the Faroe Islands. She encourages initiating discussions across the country.

Public perception indicates that municipalities are not placing enough emphasis on sustainable solutions and green spaces. Data from a recent survey conducted by Kringvarpið in connection with the municipal elections on November 12 reveals that when asked if sustainable solutions and green spaces should be prioritized, the responses were so minimal that the environmental sector ranked low on any municipality’s agenda. In fact, a third of respondents believe these areas should be deprioritized.

This may suggest contentment with the current situation, but the satisfaction with green spaces in municipalities is only rated at 62 out of 100.

Ragnheiður Bogadóttir points out the confusion surrounding the concept of ‘sustainability’. Despite not wanting to prioritize environmental issues, the public’s dissatisfaction indicates a lack of willingness to embrace sustainable development in practical terms. She argues that sustainability should not be viewed merely as a cost center hindering potential initiatives in municipalities. Rather, it should be seen as a means to sustain activities that enhance living conditions and community well-being.

Moving forward, instead of choosing between good transport networks or sustainable solutions, a collective approach to building a sustainable transport system should be adopted.

To foster sustainable development within communities, it is crucial that Faroese citizens engage in discussions regarding what sustainability means. This dialogue is necessary for the democratic process focused on shaping the future of society.

(via kvf.fo)