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Denmark and Faroe Islands face scrutiny over increased coercion in psychiatric practices

Thursday 19th 2024 on 10:34 in  
Faroe Islands

The use of coercion is increasingly prevalent in psychiatric practices, with Denmark facing scrutiny as highlighted in the latest UN report.

In the Faroe Islands, coercive measures are also being utilized more frequently, according to the annual report from the Faroese Complaints Committee in recent years.

In 2023, staff at the Psychiatric Department employed coercion 92 times, a significant increase from just 12 instances in 2009. This includes involuntary admissions, forced restraints, and the administration of medication against a patient’s will.

But when is the use of coercion genuinely necessary? And when does it become excessive?

These questions will be explored in today’s broadcast. Tune in to the program at 10 AM on the radio and at kvf.fo.

(via kvf.fo)