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Oikeutta Eläimille files complaint against cattle farms in Satakunta for poor animal welfare conditions

Thursday 19th 2024 on 08:09 in  

An animal rights organization, Oikeutta Eläimille (Animal Rights for Animals), has filed a criminal complaint against two cattle farms in the Satakunta region due to poor living conditions for the animals. The Southwestern Finland police have confirmed receipt of the complaint, which is currently under preliminary investigation.

Images published by Oikeutta Eläimille show cattle wading through deep layers of feces at the farms, reportedly taken during September. According to the organization, the two facilities share the same owner, and they conducted undercover visits to document the conditions.

The photographs reveal extremely unsanitary living spaces for the animals, with thick layers of manure forming on their coats. Some animals are reportedly tied so tightly that they can barely move. Kristo Muurimaa, the organization’s campaign manager, describes the situation as yet another example of systemic neglect that has previously been known but inadequately addressed. He argues that animal protection in Finland is in crisis, citing weak legislation, ineffective oversight, and political indifference that sends the wrong signals to livestock producers about animal welfare standards.

A designated veterinary inspector has already visited the farms in question. Although Yle (Finnish Broadcasting Company) has opted not to disclose the specific locations of the facilities due to the ongoing investigation, the local health authority has confirmed that Oikeutta Eläimille has requested access to inspection reports for one of the farms. However, this information has not been made available as it is currently classified. Inspection reports are routinely submitted to the police when there are allegations of violations of animal welfare laws.

(via yle.fi)