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No new bear sightings reported in Vehkalahti area of Finland

Thursday 19th 2024 on 08:09 in  

No new bear sightings have been reported in Joensuu’s Vehkalahti area since last night. The last sighting known to the police occurred in Vehkataipale slightly before 10 PM. “It is very likely that the bears have left the area,” said Hannu Virolainen, the situation manager from the Eastern Finland police’s command center, this morning before 8 AM.

The densely populated Vehkalahti area experienced multiple bear sightings yesterday, involving two bears. At least one of them was spotted in the Kuhasalo region in the afternoon, which is a peninsula accessible only by passing through the populated areas of Vehkalahti. Another bear was observed near Penttilä daycare around 7:30 PM, where a 15-year-old boy captured video footage of the bear moving along the road.

The most recent bear sighting occurred near Vehkataival in the southern part of the area, linked to less populated regions. Currently, the police and wildlife officers are not actively patrolling the Vehkalahti area but will respond if new sightings are reported.

Virolainen advises, “If you see a bear, immediately contact emergency services. Do not approach the bears.” The situation continues to develop.

If anyone has more information regarding this issue, they are encouraged to reach out confidentially. You may also email at [email protected]. All communications are read, but a personal response cannot be guaranteed. Please do not jeopardize anyone’s safety, such as by interfering with emergency operations at an accident scene.

(via yle.fi)