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Inda Hrönn advocates for essential care services for husband Óskar Kemp in Reykjavik

Thursday 19th 2024 on 03:09 in  

Óskar Kemp, who suffered a severe accident in 2018, is still awaiting essential services six years later, including overnight care. His wife, Inda Hrönn, has taken on the responsibility of administering complex medications Despite doctors recommending that he requires 24-hour assistance, the necessary services have not been provided.

Inda Hrönn recently shared their family’s struggles in a public forum, detailing how Óskar’s condition, compounded by pituitary gland failure, necessitates multiple complex medication doses throughout the day. His sister previously noted the significant changes in him post-accident, stating he is no longer the same person. A medical certificate confirms that he requires round-the-clock care, yet service availability does not align with this need.

In a recent Facebook post, Inda revealed that the family’s request for nighttime services from the city of Reykjavik was denied, even as an application for respite care was rejected due to the high level of needed overnight assistance. While Óskar was approved for a so-called personal assistance agreement in 2021, it remains unfunded. Instead, he has a payment agreement that fails to cater to his full needs, lacking provisions for nighttime care and hours when Inda is at home.

Inda emphasized the support they receive from friends, family, and neighbors, acknowledging the kindness shown by employers as well. However, she expressed concern for those without similar support systems who find themselves managing these challenges alone. Although family life can be fulfilling, some days prove to be particularly challenging. Despite requiring extensive support, Óskar remains resilient and retains his spirit.

(via ruv.is)