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Iceland’s Ministry of Health reviews medical imaging services amid ESA investigation into Intuens

Wednesday 18th 2024 on 20:34 in  

Iceland’s Ministry of Health is working on the future organization of medical imaging services. The EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) has initiated a formal investigation to determine if current agreements made by Iceland’s National Health Insurance (Sjúkratryggingar Íslands) regarding medical imaging could violate EEA rules on state aid.

Although not explicitly stated by ESA, the inquiry appears to focus on the imaging company Intuens, which caused a stir late last year by offering health screenings and MRI services. Medical professionals and associations criticized the company’s approach, arguing that such screenings might provide false reassurance and exacerbate strain on the healthcare system. They expressed concerns about the necessity and potential costs of these services, suggesting that the technology could detect various changes in individuals, leading to unnecessary further interventions.

In response, the Ministry of Health made a decision to limit Intuens’s services. The ministry has been reviewing these matters for some time and has established a task force to evaluate and propose future structures for medical imaging services. Following the report and subsequent recommendations, the health minister directed Sjúkratryggingar Íslands last August to prepare for offering this service through a public tender. Preparations for this tender are nearing completion, with plans to announce the bidding process in the near future.

(via ruv.is)