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Bears spotted near Vehkalahti cause surprise for commuters in Joensuu

Wednesday 18th 2024 on 19:24 in  

On Wednesday morning, Jarkko Käyhkön’s commute took an unexpected turn when he spotted movement by the road near Vehkalahti, close to Joensuu. “For a moment, I thought they were large dogs. But I quickly realized they were bears,” he recounted. Käyhkön managed to capture a video on his phone of the bears crossing the road while other cars slowed down to observe.

Having seen bears in the wild before, this time was unique for Käyhkön. “Until now, I have only seen them in nature, but never in urban areas.” Despite the unusual encounter, he stated that it would not alter his commuting routine, adding, “I’m not afraid of bears. You probably won’t see them every day. Let the bears run; hopefully, they find their way back into the forest quickly.”

According to observations, the bears spotted are yearlings that have been weaned from their mother. Typically, it is young and inexperienced bears that wander too close to human habitats. Timo Hattunen, an official with the Joensuu region’s wildlife management association, explained that significant encounters with large bears are rare.

This year, bears don’t have a compelling reason to venture near humans since the berry crop has been good. Hattunen speculates that the bears may have stumbled into Vehkalahti by chance or were attracted by apples. He emphasizes the importance of allowing the bears to calm down and leave the area on their own, as seeking them out can provoke aggression, making them dangerous.

Hattunen also noted that the recent decline in bear hunting may impact bear sightings in urban areas. Hunting has been halted this year in southern Finland due to legal challenges, which may lead to an increase in bear encounters in populated regions.

(via yle.fi)