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Students discuss erectile dysfunction openly as stigma fades in Finland

Wednesday 18th 2024 on 18:49 in  

Concerns about erectile function vary among men of different ages, but a common thread is that these issues affect men at all stages of life. The topic remains taboo, and many feel hesitant to seek help. Recently, students have begun to discuss their erectile concerns more openly. Sexual medicine expert Juhana Piha encouraged more candid conversations about this common issue, emphasizing that shame often hinders open dialogue and seeking assistance.

A survey conducted by Yle revealed key insights from around 200 respondents, who shared their experiences and struggles with erectile dysfunction (ED). Due to the sensitivity of the topic, the contributors are referred to by pseudonyms, though their identities are known to Yle.

1. *Hesitance to Seek Help*: Many respondents initially found it challenging to approach the topic with a healthcare professional. For example, one contributor noted that despite feeling discomfort about his issues, he was relieved to discuss them with a doctor.

2. *Improved Quality of Life*: Help received for erectile concerns has been life-changing for many. A 55-year-old shared how medication reinstated a significant part of his life that he thought was lost.

3. *Mixed Experiences with Medication Access*: While a majority managed to obtain prescriptions for medications from doctors, many still faced apprehension when going to pharmacies. One respondent even faced laughter from a young urologist when discussing his condition.

4. *Sharing Self-Help Strategies*: Respondents indicated that issues might stem from underlying health conditions or stress, and many emphasized the importance of lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise, in addressing their concerns. They encouraged others not to hesitate in seeking medical assistance and reassured them that they are not alone in their struggles.

Various healthcare settings, including primary care and student health services, are equipped to assist men dealing with erectile issues, often addressing both physical and psychological aspects of the condition.

(via yle.fi)