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Sweden examines grading reforms under economist Magnus Henrekson

Wednesday 18th 2024 on 18:19 in  

An investigation into Sweden’s grading system is set to be presented early next year. However, economist Magnus Henrekson, who is leading the investigation, has already shared some insights into its contents. In an interview, he proposed the introduction of a new grading system, suggesting that the current grades from F to A should be abolished.

The grading system has faced criticism, particularly the F grade, which prevents students from gaining eligibility for high school if they fail a core subject. In 2023, 15% of students fell into this category. Education Minister Johan Pehrson expressed his willingness to eliminate the F grade, emphasizing the importance of restoring educational quality and enabling youth to become self-sufficient.

The investigation was initiated over a year ago to address the issue of grade inflation, with the Education Minister noting that many students receive disproportionately high grades in relation to their actual knowledge. Henrekson advocates for a comparison system that enforces strict grading parameters for teachers, stating that grades can currently be assigned arbitrarily. He pointed out the competitive nature of schools, which attract students with financial incentives while having the autonomy to assign grades without external oversight, indicating that this system is inadequate.

This reform aims to create a more equitable and accurate evaluation within the educational framework.

(via svt.se)