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Sompasaunaseura acquires property in Mustikkamaa for new sauna facility

Wednesday 18th 2024 on 18:04 in  

Nestled on a rocky outcrop and surrounded by sturdy pines, a white wooden house stands just a stone’s throw from the beach on Mustikkamaa. Upon opening the front door, a strong musty odor wafts out. Board games, books, and a guitar belonging to the previous tenants, the Helsinki Democratic Youth, remain untouched. Soon, this location may become a sauna spot, as the Sompasaunaseura association, which manages three wood-fired saunas on Verkkosaari, has rented the property.

“The lot is now ours,” boasts Markus Rahkonen from Sompasaunaseura. The group plans to demolish the dilapidated building, although it remains undecided whether to relocate all three saunas from Verkkosaari or just some of them.

Sompasauna has been a self-service sauna in Helsinki for over a decade, where anyone can come to enjoy a sauna at their own risk, anytime. Previously planned moves to Kivinokka proved challenging due to an old villa that could not be demolished. Consequently, Sompasaunaseura acquired the lease for the summer retreat on Mustikkamaa, owned by the city of Helsinki.

Members express their enthusiasm for the site, with Iida Korpela noting its significance in Helsinki’s scale. The association is still awaiting approvals from the city for the demolition and relocation. Importantly, existing old pines will be preserved, with the nearest sauna planned just 30 meters from the shoreline.

While the urban charm of Sompasauna will shift with this relocation, the association emphasizes that new facilities will be designed for calm relaxation, ensuring that sauna culture is maintained. They plan to manage potential disruptions and remain committed to preserving a peaceful environment as they transition to their new facility. The hope is to commence operations at Mustikkamaa later this year.

(via yle.fi)