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Icelandic government faces backlash over internal disputes as elections approach

Wednesday 18th 2024 on 17:54 in  

The current standoff within the Icelandic government at Alþingi has sparked surprise, with the administration focusing its energy on internal disputes related to the Yazans case instead of addressing urgent national issues. Sigmar Guðmundsson, Vice Chairman of the Progressive Party’s parliamentary group, expressed these concerns.

Last week, the parliament reconvened, presenting a legislative agenda with 217 bills that the government plans to introduce during this session, leading up to a significant election season in October. The Minister of Finance has introduced the budget proposal for the next year and various amendments tied to this budget, which are now under review by the finance committee.

If the government aims to push through these important bills, a more accelerated approach is necessary. Recent days have been challenging for the administration due to the Yazans issue, a fact acknowledged by members of the government, especially with elections looming by next fall. Despite this, individual parliament members have been actively presenting their own bills while awaiting government proposals.

During discussions at Alþingi, Guðmundsson criticized the government’s lack of focus on pressing matters like inflation, interest rates, and the increasing backlog in the healthcare system. He emphasized that addressing these critical issues should take precedence over the current distractions. Logi Einarsson, the leader of the Samfylkingin parliamentary group, echoed these sentiments, pointing out that ministers often only begin to pay attention to urgent matters at the year’s end or before the parliamentary session concludes, a practice he finds perplexing given the number of issues that should already be resolved.

(via ruv.is)