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Valokuitunen reports progress in fiber cable repairs in Joensuu Kydön area

Wednesday 18th 2024 on 17:34 in  

The fiber optics company Valokuitunen has reported progress in repairing fiber cable damages in the Joensuu Kydön area, moving faster than initially anticipated. Over the past weekend, several fiber optic cables were cut from six different distribution cabinets between Friday and Monday. According to police, the vandalism was carried out using a wire cutter. Around 30 customers of Valokuitunen were affected by the service disruption.

On Wednesday, the company’s maintenance manager, Kaj Storås, stated that a functional connection has been restored for about half of the affected customers. “I believe most of the issues will be resolved by the end of this week, with some extending into next week,” said Storås.

While there are other fiber cabinets belonging to different companies in the area, only Valokuitunen’s cabinets were breached. The police noted that the other cabinets were locked more securely, although they could have been accessed with tools. Storås commented that the company’s cabinets were locked according to Traficom regulations, but lacked the additional padlocks used by some companies, featuring only mechanical locks and a seal made from tough cable.

The police are investigating the incident as aggravated vandalism and aggravated disruption of communications. Investigating officer Simo Hämäläinen indicated that the investigation is ongoing, but new information is scarce. The police continue to request public observations related to the incident, which occurred between midnight Saturday and 10 AM Monday. Reports can be sent to the East Finland police email or hotlines. Further updates are expected to be released by early next week.

(via yle.fi)