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TikTok video featuring Josefi Tiirola goes viral in small Finnish municipality

Wednesday 18th 2024 on 15:34 in  

A TikTok video featuring Josefi Tiirola has gone viral, showcasing his lips moving as Antti Holman’s voice declares, “I’m not going to do anything anymore.” The screen reads, “When your employment ends in a couple of weeks and you are the sole administrator of the account.” The video reflects the conclusion of the two-year “Muualta meille” (From Elsewhere to Us) project, marking the end of Tiirola’s role in it. Such videos are not uncommon on TikTok, but they have garnered significant reactions, with many expressing concern about the account’s future.

The account, belonging to a small municipality, has become somewhat legendary, amassing over 12,000 followers—a notable figure for a town with just a couple of thousand residents. Its most-watched video has over 400,000 views. Mayor Harri Peltola stated that the municipality will continue the TikTok account despite the project’s conclusion, having recognized its effectiveness in engaging younger audiences.

Tiirola, the project coordinator primarily responsible for the account, has pointed out the challenges of maintaining it. He has expressed that he would not have chosen to be on TikTok if it weren’t for his job, citing concerns about the harmful or illegal content on the platform. He has also received criticism typically aimed at the municipality, underlining the blurred lines between public engagement and accountability.

Despite the complexities of social media interaction, Tiirola is considering creating more personal content, such as nature videos, recognizing TikTok’s value in showcasing various professional fields.

(via yle.fi)