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University of the Faroe Islands addresses skilled labor shortage amid declining student retention

Wednesday 18th 2024 on 14:29 in  
Faroe Islands

One of the primary objectives of the University of the Faroe Islands is to provide a well-educated workforce for the Faroese community. However, it has become a significant concern that half of those who leave the country to study do not return, resulting in a shortage of skilled labor in the Faroe Islands.

Martin Tvede Zachariasen, the rector, made this statement as the university unveiled its new strategy to 2030. One initiative includes offering more part-time educational programs to address this issue.

Nonetheless, a critical question arises: is it the university’s responsibility to organize the Faroese job market?

In recent years, there has been a decline in applications for teacher education at the university, despite a high demand for educators in the region. This concern is being taken seriously, and the university is working on developing a tailored part-time program that could potentially be shorter than the full bachelor’s degree.

The specifics of how condensed such a program might be are still unclear.

Further details regarding the new strategic plan from the University of the Faroe Islands can be found through their official channels.

(via kvf.fo)