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Klaksvík explores new housing options in response to resident dissatisfaction

Wednesday 18th 2024 on 14:09 in  
Faroe Islands

Klaksvík is set to explore new and alternative housing options, according to the municipality’s mayor, Karl Johansen.

Last year, Klaksvík conducted a survey revealing significant dissatisfaction amongst residents, particularly those aged 18 to 29, regarding the current housing opportunities in the area.

In response to the expressed concerns, the municipality has formed a working group tasked with developing recommendations for alternative housing options. Additionally, in March this year, a united council approved a municipal plan titled “Klaksvík Municipality 2040”. This plan aims to establish goals related to population growth, core services, culture, and housing.

An initial budget of 300,000 Danish kroner has been allocated for this effort, which is expected to be completed by next spring.

(via kvf.fo)