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Registry sends 52 companies to Bankruptcy Court for liquidation in Norway

Wednesday 18th 2024 on 06:54 in  
Faroe Islands

Yesterday, the Registry sent 52 companies to the Bankruptcy Court, requesting that they be liquidated. The list includes two limited partnerships, 19 small limited companies, and 31 entrepreneurial companies.

These companies are being referred to the court for liquidation due to their failure to submit annual reports for 2023. Companies are required to submit these reports by June 30 at the latest.

As of September 2, 184 companies had not provided their annual reports. All the companies and their management members received a warning in early July. The warning stated that the company would be sent to the Bankruptcy Court for liquidation if the annual report was not submitted within four weeks.

Last year, the Registry sent 75 companies to the Bankruptcy Court. Additionally, 231 companies had not submitted their annual reports for 2022 to the Registry by September 1 of last year.

(via kvf.fo)