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Norwegian energy minister announces mediation progress for Fosen reindeer grazing lands

Tuesday 17th 2024 on 23:55 in  

Norwegian Energy Minister Terje Aasland has announced progress in the implementation of mediation agreements concerning the Fosen region, critical for ensuring winter grazing lands for reindeer herding. The state is tasked with finding new winter grazing areas outside of Fosen. The Norwegian Institute for Bioeconomy (Nibio) has presented its first proposal, identifying the Håmmålsfjellet-Sålekinna area as particularly suitable for this purpose.

This suggested area spans the mountainous regions bordering the municipalities of Tolga and Os, with parts extending into Engerdal. The grazing land is intended to accommodate 2,100 reindeer from Fosen by the winter season of 2026/2027.

The decision comes in the wake of the construction of wind power facilities—namely the Storheia and Roan wind farms—which led to the loss of critical winter pastures for local reindeer herding groups. These developments involved the installation of 151 turbines and the construction of 129 kilometers of access roads.

The proposals have sparked surprise and concern among local officials, including Os’ mayor, Ivar Midtdal, who opposes adding more grazing land in an area already rife with conflicts between farmers and reindeer herders. With tensions having escalated over two decades, he insists that solutions must address current conflicts before considering relocating more reindeer into the region.

As part of the ongoing negotiations, affected groups will receive annual compensation to help mitigate the operational challenges posed by the wind farms. The government’s aim is to ensure effective collaboration with all stakeholders involved, ensuring that the grazing land serves the best interests of animal welfare and production.

(via nrk.no)