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Residents celebrate closure of noisy cryptocurrency mining center in Myran, Norway

Tuesday 17th 2024 on 23:55 in  

After years of discomfort caused by a noisy cryptocurrency mining center, residents of Myran, Norway, celebrated its closure. The incessant noise had significantly disrupted their lives, with some even relocating their bedrooms to basements to escape the disturbance. However, the end of operations for the Stokmarknes Data Center is now bringing a new challenge: rising electricity bills.

Neighbors gathered on Saturday to mark the end of the crypto facility, expressing their relief at the newfound quietness. Spokesperson Harald Martin Eilertsen remarked, “Finally, the noise from the crypto factory has ceased.” Despite their celebration, they expressed frustration over the anticipated increases in their electricity costs.

For three years, the data center was a source of contention for both local politicians and residents. While Hadsel Municipality initially supported the project, they later regretted this decision. Eilertsen likened the noise to “a sawmill with dull blades,” causing residents to leave their homes on pleasant summer days seeking tranquility.

New soundproofing measures were introduced in autumn 2022, but residents reported that life near the center remained unbearable until its closure. Eilertsen described the daily frustrations due to varying sound levels depending on weather conditions.

With the closure of the center, Trollfjord Kraft, which had assured residents of lower electricity rates, is now merged into Noranett. Residents are skeptical about previous promises of reduced costs, as rising external factors increased overall electricity rates instead.

Stokmarknes Data Center plans to dismantle the equipment and seek new operators for alternative data center operations, while acknowledging that noise mitigation solutions should have been implemented sooner.

(via nrk.no)