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Charges finalized against former municipal chief physician in Frosta for rape of 88 women

Tuesday 17th 2024 on 23:55 in  

On Tuesday, the charges against the former municipal chief physician in Frosta were finalized. Linn Beate Skogholt, who worked at the same clinic as the accused for twelve years, expressed her distress, stating, “It is difficult to be in a place where you know such things have happened.” The physician, who lost his medical license on June 9, 2023, is now charged with the rape of 88 women.

Until now, the accused has denied any wrongdoing. His lawyer, Erlend Hjulstad Nilsen, indicated that the question of guilt will be discussed in future police interviews. Skogholt shared her thoughts about whether she should have recognized troubling behaviors during their work together, particularly regarding the excessive number of gynecological examinations.

Skogholt joined the clinic as a trainee in 2009 and later became a full-time physician. The small office housed another trainee and three other healthcare personnel, yet despite their close work relationship, no suspicions were raised at the time.

Reflecting on the past, Skogholt noted that certain actions by the accused now make sense in light of the allegations. She had previously noted inconsistencies in the examination room, such as the gynecological chair being frequently moved. When she inquired about it, the accused claimed it was to prevent patients from fainting, leading Skogholt to suspect it may have been to obscure his actions.

Amid investigations, 96 women have come forward as victims. The court case is set to begin on November 5, which Skogholt hopes will provide some resolution for the community. She emphasized the emotional impact on their small town, where everyone seems to know a victim, underscoring the collective burden the situation has placed on the residents.

(via nrk.no)