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Teachers from Skagafjörður to appeal decision in compensation case at Landsrétt, Iceland

Tuesday 17th 2024 on 20:04 in  

A legal dispute involving music teachers from Skagafjörður will proceed to the Landsrétt, Iceland’s Supreme Court. The teachers are fighting for compensation for travel expenses incurred while commuting between different teaching locations. A lower court awarded the educators approximately 7 million ISK but the municipal council has opted to appeal the decision.

The Skagafjörður Municipal Council, based in Sauðárkrókur, is set to address the issue during its upcoming meeting. The district court had ruled in favor of the teachers, concluding that they were owed nearly 6 million ISK in unpaid wages for their travel time. These three teachers have taught music in the region for over twenty years, with part of their responsibilities involving travel to various sites in Sauðárkrókur, Varmahlíð, Hofsós, and Hólum in Hjaltadal.

The core of the dispute centers on the interpretation of the wage agreement concerning whether they should receive overtime pay for travel that could take up to four hours a week. After prolonged negotiations that began in 2020, the teachers took their case to court with the support of their union.

The ruling from the Nordurland vestra District Court deemed that the teachers fulfilled their work obligations and that the associated travel was an additional duty, resulting in one teacher receiving 2.1 million ISK, another 1.9 million ISK, and the third 2.7 million ISK, in addition to legal fees.

During a recent council meeting, further discussions ensued regarding the appeal. Some council members expressed regret that teachers had to pursue their rights in court, asserting the municipality should settle outstanding wages and apologize for previous mismanagement.

(via ruv.is)