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Disputes between Joensuu and new owner of Vinkeri II raise potential criminal charges in Finland

Tuesday 17th 2024 on 18:24 in  

Disputes between the city of Joensuu and the new owner of the Vinkeri II ship are leading to potential criminal charges. The Satumaa and Vinkeri II vessels had remained unused in the Joensuu harbor for years and were considered an eyesore due to their poor condition. This summer, the city initiated legal proceedings to remove and scrap the ships. However, the previous owner sold the vessels in July. Today, Vinkeri II was spotted in the Mikkeli Anttola harbor.

According to Mikkeli’s community engineering supervisor Matti Kaira, the ship is there legally for a few weeks before being moved to Lake Päijänne. The new owner, Jarmo Lahtinen, expresses that he intended to move the ship out of Joensuu’s reach. He claims that city representatives broke into the Vinkeri in July, damaging alarm and camera systems. “We are filing a police report on this matter,” Lahtinen stated.

Joensuu’s construction inspector, Jukka Hyttinen, vehemently denies Lahtinen’s allegations of a break-in. Hyttinen asserts that city officials inspected the ship for its removal and entered without forced entry. While the alarms needed to be deactivated, he maintains that the property remained untouched otherwise.

The city of Joensuu justified the removal of the ships based on waste regulations, stating that no vessel or vehicle should be left in a way that could lead to unsightliness or environmental issues. According to Hyttinen, there are no further requirements associated with Vinkeri II, and the important thing is that the ship has been removed from its former location.

Lahtinen insists that Vinkeri II is not a wreck but is in good condition, aside from some peeling paint, and plans to return it to passenger service in the future.

(via yle.fi)