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Reykjavík City Council approves updated transportation agreement amid Independence Party divide

Tuesday 17th 2024 on 18:24 in  

The Reykjavík City Council approved an updated transportation agreement today, leading to a split within the Independence Party. In the vote, four party representatives opposed the update, one supported it, and one abstained.

The coalition, which includes representatives from the Social Democratic Alliance, Progressive Party, Pirate Party, Reform Party, and the Left-Green Movement, all voted in favor of the transportation pact. Alongside the four opposition votes from the Independence Party, representatives from the Socialist Party and the People’s Party also voted against the agreement.

Sandra Hlíf Ocares, a deputy council member from the Independence Party, expressed her support for the update, emphasizing the necessity for improved transportation in the capital region. She noted that significant funding is being directed toward all transportation modes for the first time in a long while, aligning with recent party resolutions and the views of the Independence Party’s mayoral representatives in the capital.

In contrast, Ocares and her colleague Friðjón R. Friðjónsson, who abstained from the vote, issued a joint statement indicating the urgency of enhancing transportation safety and efficiency. They stressed that traffic fees must correlate with usage, alongside the removal of product taxes on vehicles and fuel. The representatives highlighted the need to prioritize projects within the transportation agreement to tackle the growing problem of traffic congestion effectively, asserting that the construction of the Sundabraut road should also be made a priority.

(via ruv.is)