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Former chief physician in Randers may face charges following whistleblower alert

Tuesday 17th 2024 on 16:34 in  

A former chief physician at the Regional Psychiatry department in Randers may face criminal charges following a whistleblower’s alert to the region regarding the quality of the physician’s medical treatments earlier this year. In February, the physician was placed on leave, and since then, both department heads have also exited their positions. The region has initiated an investigation to determine whether 1,500 patients received appropriate care.

Jakob Paludan, the medical director of Psychiatry in Central Denmark Region, noted that while no formal complaint has been filed yet, it remains under consideration. He expects the investigation to conclude by New Year’s, but patients and their families can now seek support by calling a newly established hotline. As of now, five individuals have reached out to the hotline, where they are connected with experienced psychiatric nurses.

Paludan emphasized the hotline’s purpose is to reassure patients and families about the ongoing investigation, stating they will assess if immediate action is required or if they should await further inquiry results. The hospital leadership became aware of the situation after receiving a report through the region’s whistleblower system, according to Tina Ebler, the psychiatric director.

She explained that they analyzed 13 specific patient records and found that the treatments provided were below the required professional standards, which prompted the physician’s suspension shortly after the report was received. All patients admitted to Ward C in the Regional Psychiatry in Randers will have their treatments reviewed by specialist doctors.

(via dr.dk)