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Cannabis users in Finland report significant challenges according to University of Turku research

Tuesday 17th 2024 on 15:09 in  

A significant portion of young cannabis users in Finland report experiencing problems associated with their usage, according to recent research conducted by the University of Turku. The most common challenges faced by these youths include diminished memory and concentration, as well as difficulties fulfilling daily responsibilities.

In a survey targeting vocational students, findings indicated that many youths feel they spend too much time engaged with cannabis. This is the first initiative of its kind in Finland to examine problematic cannabis use in such a detailed manner.

PhD candidate Jasmin Lostedt clarified in a university statement that the research focused on patterns of use that result in harmful social or health consequences. “Usage is often assessed by frequency, such as how many times an individual has used cannabis in a month,” said Lostedt. The study revealed that one in five cannabis users among young people reported problematic usage.

The results demonstrated that one in three cannabis users had considered reducing or quitting their use in the past six months, particularly among those who felt they lacked the ability to stop using cannabis.

According to researchers, it is crucial for student health services to provide early and accessible support for the prevention of problematic cannabis use. “Our study is particularly relevant now, as the government is actively cutting funding for many organizations focused on preventive substance abuse work,” Lostedt highlighted in the statement.

(via yle.fi)