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Internal criticism escalates within Social Democratic Party over Kombispel’s aggressive sales tactics targeting vulnerable individuals

Tuesday 17th 2024 on 12:59 in  

Internal criticism is rising within the Social Democratic Party following revelations that telemarketers hired by the party-owned Kombispel employed aggressive sales tactics, specifically targeting elderly and vulnerable individuals. Reports indicate that party leadership has long been aware of the use of “unsustainable” sales methods for lottery tickets. Warnings regarding these practices were reportedly communicated to leadership more than a year ago.

In response to the backlash, Kombispel’s CEO has been dismissed, and several board members have stepped down at the party’s request. The Social Democrats have also announced that they will cease using telemarketing companies to sell lottery tickets. In addition, several other firms that partnered with Effective Communication, the telemarketing company in question, have paused their contracts.

Concerns have been raised about the connections between individuals associated with the call center and organized crime, as reported by local media outlets. The Swedish Gambling Authority is reviewing the allegations related to the Social Democrats’ lottery operations, amidst significant scrutiny over the handling of the situation.

Overall, the party’s handling of the lottery sales has been described as “catastrophically managed,” raising questions about accountability and oversight within the organization as they work to restore public trust.

(via svt.se)