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Criticism intensifies against Social Democrats following allegations of aggressive sales tactics in Sweden

Tuesday 17th 2024 on 12:49 in  

Criticism has intensified against the Social Democrats and a telemarketing company following reports of aggressive sales tactics targeting elderly pensioners. It has also been revealed that individuals associated with the call center in question may have links to organized crime.

The Swedish Gambling Authority is currently investigating the claims that have emerged in the media, including those involving the Social Democrats, the Social Democratic Youth League, and the Social Democratic Women. On their website, the authority stated: “The agency currently has no ongoing supervisory case concerning the mentioned license holders but is working to understand the information that has come to light in the media.”

When asked whether this could lead to an official inquiry, Yvonne Hejdenberg, the agency’s communications manager, responded, “I cannot answer that.” She further noted, “While we are reviewing the information, we will provide updates as we gather more details.”

The scrutiny comes in the wake of allegations that the organization sold lottery tickets under conditions that may have exploited vulnerable individuals. This has raised serious ethical concerns regarding their business practices and the potential involvement of criminal networks.

As investigations proceed, the Social Democrats face pressure to clarify their stance and ensure responsible practices within their affiliated organizations.

(via svt.se)