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Plans for night emergency services at Salo Hospital face major opposition

Tuesday 17th 2024 on 12:39 in  

Plans to discontinue night emergency services at Salo Hospital are facing significant opposition. An online petition demanding the preservation of these services has garnered 15,000 signatures in less than a week.

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health proposed changes to emergency services across Finland last week. For Salo, it was stated that night emergency services would cease in October of next year, while day surgical operations, such as joint replacement surgeries, will remain available through the summer of 2028.

According to the petition, ending the night emergency services will increase the need for patient transport, put additional strain on emergency services, and raise the risk of delays in receiving care. For some areas, getting to the Turku University Hospital could involve journeys exceeding 100 kilometers.

The government made most decisions regarding hospital and emergency service networks during the framework discussions in spring 2024, and the Finnish Parliament is expected to address the proposal this autumn.

Signing the petition does not require strong identification; individuals can sign using their email or Facebook accounts. This means that it does not resemble a citizens’ initiative aimed at legal change, which necessitates strong authentication for signatures. The Parliament is obligated to consider any citizens’ initiative that collects 50,000 names within the specified time frame.

The website hosting the petition is ad-supported, and options for increased visibility for petitions are available for a fee. However, unlike citizens’ initiatives, the petition does not compel decision-makers to take political action.

(via yle.fi)