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Faroe Islands disability rights under scrutiny in new UN report

Tuesday 17th 2024 on 12:34 in  
Faroe Islands

In the Faroe Islands, fundamental rights for individuals with disabilities are still insufficient, according to a new report, ten years after a United Nations hearing in 2014.

MEGD, an organization advocating for disability rights, highlights on its website that, following observations of Faroese legislation, the UN’s disability rights committee has sent a new set of recommendations to the government. These address serious issues regarding the rights of people with disabilities.

The committee asserts that many basic rights remain unmet for this population, with several recommendations also still pending implementation since 2014.

Among the suggestions made by the committee is a call for the Faroese government to collaborate effectively with individuals with disabilities and their representative organizations to ensure that the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is integrated into national legislation. The aim is to utilize this convention as a foundation in the work of the judiciary as well as in the public administration overall.

Additionally, the committee recommends a reassessment of current legislation and rectifying laws that might create setbacks for individuals with disabilities. According to MEGD, there exists a lengthy list of recommendations from the UN committee that the Faroese government should urgently consider.

The matters at hand are vital for ensuring the rights and dignity of individuals with disabilities in the Faroe Islands.

(via kvf.fo)