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Justice Minister extends term of Sigríður Björk Guðjónsdóttir as National Commissioner of Icelandic Police until 2030

Tuesday 17th 2024 on 10:54 in  

The Minister of Justice has decided to extend the term of Sigríður Björk Guðjónsdóttir as the National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police for another five years, until March 16, 2030.

Sigríður was first appointed to her position in 2020 after serving as the Chief of Police in the capital region since 2014. Prior to that role, she was the Chief of Police in the Suðurnes region, held the position of Deputy National Commissioner from 2007 to 2008, served as a district commissioner in Ísafjörður from 2002 to 2006, and worked as a tax director for the Westfjords from 1996 to 2002.

According to the provisions of the Police Act No. 90/1996, the term for the National Commissioner is set at five years. In response to inquiries, the Justice Ministry stated that the renewal of appointments follows the regulations regarding the rights and duties of state employees, which stipulate that an appointment is automatically renewed unless the employee is informed six months prior that the position will be open for applications.

(via ruv.is)