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Swedish government announces significant military budget increase amid geopolitical concerns

Tuesday 17th 2024 on 10:49 in  

On Tuesday, the Swedish government, along with the Sweden Democrats (SD), held a press conference to discuss budget initiatives aimed at bolstering Sweden’s military defense. Participants included Defense Minister Pål Jonson, Oscar Sjöstedt from SD, Mikael Oscarsson from the Christian Democrats, and Anna Starbrink from the Liberals.

During the conference, Defense Minister Jonson emphasized the deteriorating geopolitical security situation, highlighting both Russian hybrid threats in Europe and the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

The government proposed an increase in the defense budget by 13 billion kronor, raising it from 125 billion this year to 138 billion by 2025. This total includes costs for replacing military equipment that Sweden has supplied to Ukraine. As a result, Sweden’s defense spending for 2025 is projected to reach 2.4 percent of GDP, based on NATO’s accounting methods.

For the period from 2025 to 2030, the government has suggested more than 170 billion kronor in additional military funding. This is expected to correspond to 2.6 percent of GDP by 2028.

(via svt.se)