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Protests erupt in Reykjavik against deportation of Yazan Tamimi during government cabinet meeting

Tuesday 17th 2024 on 10:34 in  

Demonstrators gathered outside a government cabinet meeting today to protest the planned deportation of Yazan Tamimi, an issue being addressed during the session. The Minister of Justice postponed the decision regarding the family’s expulsion after members of the Left-Green Movement called for discussions about Tamimi’s case.

Activists have displayed a banner referencing Article 3 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which states that when adults make decisions, they should consider the impact on children and act in the best interests of those children. Governments are responsible for ensuring that parents safeguard their children and that the interests of children are always prioritized.

The Justice Minister criticized the postponement, stating that it does not reflect proper administrative practices. She expressed full trust in the Immigration Office and the Appeals Board, affirming that the agreed-upon process should be followed. However, she also acknowledged that she lacks legal authority to intervene in such matters.

As the cabinet meeting commenced, protests continued outside on Hverfisgata. The demonstrators had assembled due to Yazan Tamimi’s scheduled deportation, which was initially set for last night. The Minister of Justice’s decision to delay the deportation came as a result of a request from Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson, chairman of the Left-Green Movement, to discuss the case during the government meeting.

The police presence was notable at the site, indicating the heightened tensions surrounding the ongoing discussions about immigration and the treatment of asylum seekers.

(via ruv.is)