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Elections underway for Church of Denmark’s parish councils amid volunteer struggles

Tuesday 17th 2024 on 07:44 in  

Today, elections are taking place for the Church of Denmark’s 1,561 parish councils. However, many parish councils are struggling to fill their positions. Volunteers are becoming overwhelmed by bureaucratic tasks, a concern raised by volunteers for several years. According to the National Association of Parish Councils, the administrative workload has only increased since the last election.

Kirsten Bloch Ravn, the chair of the parish council in Hansted-Ræhr, is particularly worried, as none of the current five council members are running for re-election. She fears no new candidates will step forward due to the burdensome and time-consuming nature of the tasks involved. “I find it sad. I myself have become tired due to the numerous tasks over the past two years,” she said.

In Faster parish near Skjern, the council also seeks to attract younger members, as the average age of council members has reached 61 years. Despite historically having success in recruiting members, only two are running for re-election, leaving three positions unfilled. Council chair Henning Bøndergaard believes fewer heavy responsibilities would make it easier to attract new volunteers.

Anton Pihl, the chair of the National Association of Parish Councils, acknowledges the challenge and emphasizes the need to revise both administrative structures and organizational methods to make parish councils more appealing. The Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs is currently working on recommendations aimed at easing the daily responsibilities of parish councils, including reducing bureaucratic tasks. Minister Morten Dahlin has initiated a project to simplify these frameworks and better support parish councils in their work. Changes in how councils operate are anticipated in the near future.

(via dr.dk)