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Metals One discovers mineral deposits in Rautavaara for potential mining project

Tuesday 17th 2024 on 07:34 in  

Mining company Metals One has discovered promising mineral deposits in Rautavaara. The area features mineralized schist deposits containing nickel, zinc, copper, and cobalt, which are essential for manufacturing batteries and electric vehicles. Preliminary plans suggest that an open pit mine and processing facility could be constructed in the municipality, with operations potentially starting in Pappilanmäki, where over a dozen properties currently exist.

Pentti Hiltunen, a resident of Pappilanmäki, noted that the mine could significantly impact local residents. “It could mean that my home is expropriated and I have to leave,” he commented, although he remains skeptical about whether the mine will actually materialize given the proximity to the town center, just a couple of kilometers away.

Some residents have already voiced opposition to the mining project, including entrepreneur Eerika Korhonen, who moved to Rautavaara last January for its pristine nature. “We felt deceived,” she expressed, emphasizing that the proposed open pit could reach depths of 200 to 250 meters—far larger than a simple sandpit.

Teuvo Korhonen, a former municipal official, sees the potential of the deposits as an opportunity for economic development, underlining the global demand for these minerals. However, he stressed the importance of waste management and local concerns.

Municipal leader Mikko Kärnä encourages residents to wait for more information on the mining project, expressing optimism about the potential establishment of mining activities by 2030. He emphasized that environmental issues will be a priority and promised a consultative referendum for residents to express their views on the project, stating, “After that, no more complaints.”

(via yle.fi)