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Kremlin orchestrates disinformation campaign to instill fear in Europe over nuclear threat

Tuesday 17th 2024 on 06:04 in  

In recent months, members of President Vladimir Putin’s inner circle have been strategizing extensively on how to instill fear in Europe and the wider West. This effort is being orchestrated in close collaboration with a Moscow-based propaganda firm, which disseminates streams of disinformation, false narratives, and millions of pro-Russian comments across social media platforms like Facebook and Telegram. The aim is to provoke fear of nuclear war among Europeans, compelling them to pressure their governments to cease support for Ukraine.

Internal documents and materials from the Russian firm Social Design Agency expose the extent of this operation. Among the fabricated tales promoted by the Agency is the assertion that Europe could face power outages and a shortage of fever-reducing medication, leading to “an increase in childhood mortality.” The Agency has created numerous false social media posts featuring imagined Europeans expressing fears about nuclear warfare, with messages like, “I don’t want my country to confront Russia openly. Isn’t it clear that our actions could lead to World War III?”

Research from the Danish Institute for International Studies highlights how the Kremlin utilizes these tactics to influence public sentiment in Europe, aiming for over 50% of the population to feel “fear for the future.” This extensive campaign includes monitoring Western media and analyzing target audiences to understand how to emotionally sway them.

The Agency claims to have sent out nearly 34 million false social media comments in early 2024 alone. Observations by researchers imply these efforts are part of a larger strategy to pressure Western governments regarding Ukraine, potentially facilitating negotiations favorable to Russian interests.

According to the FBI, Sergey Kiriyenko, a high-ranking official in the Russian presidential administration, coordinates these operations, underscoring the significance and prioritization of this campaign within the Kremlin.

(via dr.dk)