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Cameras raise privacy concerns for Tesla owner in Kerava

Tuesday 17th 2024 on 04:25 in  

Niklas Gabrielsson, a resident of Kerava, has a Tesla equipped with eight cameras that capture the surrounding environment both while driving and parked. He can view the camera footage in real-time or as recorded clips using his smartphone. The cameras are activated by any movement near the vehicle, resulting in various recordings. For instance, he could observe if an intoxicated neighbor stumbles home in the early hours. However, the camera positioning often leads to images of people’s backsides or private areas.

The situation raises concerns about privacy, especially since Gabrielsson might be watching these individuals without their knowledge. There is also a possibility that the footage could be sent to the car manufacturer. Privacy issues have prompted numerous complaints to the Data Protection Ombudsman about such cameras in new cars.

Gabrielsson’s Tesla recorded an incident where another driver ran a red light and crashed; the license plate of the other vehicle was obscured to protect privacy. While it’s generally acceptable to film in public spaces, filming in areas protected by domestic privacy laws, such as stairwells or private yards, is not permissible.

Legal experts, like Heli Korkka-Knuts, indicate that owners of vehicles with such cameras may not be guilty of illegal surveillance if no one is intentionally recorded. However, they still hold some responsibility for their car’s actions and may face scrutiny if the cameras infringe upon the privacy of others, particularly in residential areas.

Gabrielsson expressed caution regarding sharing his footage with Tesla, although it remains unclear whether he has successfully restricted all images from being shared. He aims to minimize his digital footprint, highlighting the uncertainty surrounding data privacy today.

(via yle.fi)