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Minister of Justice critiques deportation handling of Palestinian boy Yazan Tamimi in Iceland

Tuesday 17th 2024 on 02:42 in  

The Minister of Justice, Guðrún Hafsteinsdóttir, criticized the handling of the case involving Yazan Tamimi, an eleven-year-old Palestinian boy with muscular dystrophy, stating that the postponement of his deportation did not reflect normal administrative practice. During a discussion on the program Silfrið, she indicated that her decision to delay his deportation could be seen as arbitrary.

“This is not normal governance. We have authorities to make these decisions and they have done so. I have stated today that I fully trust the Directorate of Immigration and the Appeals Board for Immigration Matters. This is the process we agreed to follow,” Guðrún said.

She acknowledged the heavy atmosphere among her colleagues in the Left-Green Movement following the events of the night and the day, expressing dissatisfaction with the situation. Minister of Infrastructure, Svandís Svavarsdóttir, remarked that the case symbolizes certain fault lines within the country, asserting her inability to determine if the government could withstand the backlash had Yazan been deported.

Svandís noted the gravity of the situation, emphasizing her support for a government discussion regarding Yazan’s case and expressing hope for a resolution that would not lead to his deportation.

The ongoing concern around Yazan’s case reflects broader issues surrounding immigration policy and the treatment of vulnerable individuals in Iceland. As discussions continue, the outcome remains uncertain amidst significant public interest and emotional investment in the boy’s plight.

(via ruv.is)